
Water tower

The water tower was built in 1863−1864. On the project of engineer Egor Ivanovich Erzhemsky for urban water supply. The tower is called «Yermakovskaya» in honor of Alexei Vasilievich Ermakov (merchant, patron, city mayor in 1862−1869). It was his efforts, energy and capital in Murom that was used for the mechanical supply of water through wooden pipes.

Memories of the opening of the aqueduct on August 26, 1864, have been preserved. It was a solemn event with a traditional moleben, a procession of the cross, water consecration and festive illumination. Previously, the water had to go to the Oka, to the springs that were on steep slopes, and it was not easy to get to the mudslides. But the installation of a water pipe has greatly facilitated the life of citizens. Water could be used free of charge on the water fountains. At first six fountains were opened: Predtechensky, Nikolomozhaysky, Kasimov, Moscow, Horse and Fair, and later Vozdvizhensky and Troitsky.

For horses in the squares were made special watering. The first water line was about five kilometers long. The water was also spent in some apartment buildings, and, of course, primarily in the estate of Alexei Vasilievich Ermakov.

In the 1930s, the water tower was closed due to the lack of compliance of water passing through it to sanitary and hygienic standards.

The large clock appeared on the tower in 1974, hourly, they played the melody «There were three pines standing on the Murom track …». The chiming clock did not last long, they were turned off because of numerous complaints from the townspeople, whom the melody prevented from sleeping.

Since 2008, the tower again receives water from an artesian well.

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Anna A. Gorskaya Curator of the project

Муромский музей совместно с ОАО «МТС» представляют историко-культурный проект «Виртуальная история».

На сайте музея с помощью Яндекс-карт, к которым «приколоты» фотографии и описания достопримечательностей, можно увидеть Муром начала ХХ века. Представленные в проекте фотографии происходят из личных коллекций двух «отцов-основателей» Муромского музея — краеведа Николая Гавриловича Добрынкина и городского головы Ивана Петровича Мяздрикова. В фондах музея сохранилось более ста видов города Мурома их авторства конца XIX — начала ХХ века.