
Trinity monastery

The inventory of Murom in 1624 in front of the Monastery of the Annunciation marked a wooden tent church of the Holy Trinity. In 1642−1643 gg. in place of the wooden church a new stone church of «diligence and securing such» known to us and is based Tarasy Colored Trinity monastery was built. Trinity Church on architectural details is very close to the Annunciation Church, and in the decoration of it even surpasses it: the many colored tiles decorated with dragons, eagles, Syrian, horsemen.

Later, in 1648, next to Trinity Church constructed tent Kazan Gate Church in the same style, and in 1652 a tiered bell tower, which is connected to the Church of the Kazan open gallery.

In Soviet times, the monastery buildings are dilapidated, they began to collapse. Only in the 1970s the ensemble Trinity Monastery was recognized architectural monument and put under state protection. Planned release of cells from the former communal apartments and museumification territory. Here, in the buffer zone, in the 1970s, the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh was moved from Melenkovsky District — a monument of wooden architecture in 1715

In 1991, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church began a new page in its history.

Currently, the Trinity church relics of St. Prince Peter and his wife, St. Fevronia. Some researchers believe that Peter was a historical prototype — Murom Prince David, who died in 1228

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Anna A. Gorskaya Curator of the project

Муромский музей совместно с ОАО «МТС» представляют историко-культурный проект «Виртуальная история».

На сайте музея с помощью Яндекс-карт, к которым «приколоты» фотографии и описания достопримечательностей, можно увидеть Муром начала ХХ века. Представленные в проекте фотографии происходят из личных коллекций двух «отцов-основателей» Муромского музея — краеведа Николая Гавриловича Добрынкина и городского головы Ивана Петровича Мяздрикова. В фондах музея сохранилось более ста видов города Мурома их авторства конца XIX — начала ХХ века.