
House of Zvorykin

Next to the city government was the farmstead of Zvorykin’s merchants. In Murom, the name Zvorykin was one of the most common. To distinguish some Zvorykin from others, family clans were given nicknames. So, for example, there were Zvorykin-Podgorny, Zvorykin-Yakori, Zvorykin-Weaver, Zvorykin-Iron. Zvorykin, which will be discussed, were called Kozomorovs. Where did this nickname come from is unknown.

The estate consisted of a large stone apartment house, two outbuildings, a stable, a stone tent and various wooden farm buildings. The large courtyard was closed on all four sides. On the slope of the ravine stretched a huge orchard. The house was built in the second half of the 1840s. Kuzma Dmitrievich Zvorykin, who was the great-grandfather of the inventor of television, Vladimir Zvorykin. The documents showing how gradually in the early 1840s Kuzma Dmitrievich bought up lands on the edge of the Nikolo-Zaryadsky ravine, where later the city estate Zvorykiny appeared, was preserved.

The main residential building is made in a classical style and comes with a front facade on the shopping area. The inventor Vladimir Zvorykin lovingly and tenderly recalls his childhood spent in this old house: «The house in which I was born belonged to our family for several generations. It was a large stone three-story building too big even for our numerous family. Practically, we occupied only the second floor, the rest of the house was empty, and we had a lot of children to play hide-and-seek. «

In 1918 the mansion was transferred to the disposal of the city museum, and since then historical and artistic expositions have been located there. Since 2010 the building has been closed for reconstruction.

Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin

In 2013, a monument to the inventor Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin was erected in front of the house.

The author of the composition, a native of Murom, sculptor Pavel Schelov (Moscow), depicted Zvorykin at the time of his students. It was at this time that VK began his research activity. Zvorykina in the field of television systems in St. Petersburg in the laboratory of Boris Rosing at the St. Petersburg Technological Institute.

After the revolution, Zvorykin was forced to leave his homeland. In 1924, he received US citizenship. In 1933, at a regular meeting of the Society of American Radio Engineers, he reported on the completion of his 10-year work on the creation of a fully electronic television system, providing an image transmission with a clarity of about 300 lines.

His innovative ideas were used to create many modern electronic devices: microscope, fax, scanner, night vision and remote control devices, medical electronic equipment. He owns 120 patents, more than 80 scientific publications.

Vladimir Kuzmich was awarded with honorary and international awards. Morris Liebman of the American Institute of Radioengineers (1934), British Institute of Electrical Engineers (1939), Christopher Columbus (1959), Albert Sauve of the American Society of Metals (1963), in memory of the Audioone de Forest (1966).

Zvorykin was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering and many other academies and scientific societies. National Medal of Science (National Medal of Science) was awarded to him in 1967 by US President Lyndon Johnson, in 1977 he was elected to the National Gallery of Fame of the Inventors of the United States (National Inventors Hall of Fame). On the eve of the 90th anniversary, he was awarded a diploma of «Honored Russian American,» which he especially distinguished among all awards and titles.

VK Zvorykin repeatedly came to Russia, made reports, communicated with Soviet scientists. In Murom he managed to visit only once — in 1967. «The brightest memory of our last trip to Russia is a visit to Murom,» he recalled.

In Murom at the House of the Zvorykins in the year of the century VK Zvorykin a memorial plaque was erected.

Now Zvorykin’s home is closed for reconstruction. After the completion of the work in the building, new museum expositions will be created, including memorial ones about Zvorykin.

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16 января 2017

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Anna A. Gorskaya Curator of the project

Муромский музей совместно с ОАО «МТС» представляют историко-культурный проект «Виртуальная история».

На сайте музея с помощью Яндекс-карт, к которым «приколоты» фотографии и описания достопримечательностей, можно увидеть Муром начала ХХ века. Представленные в проекте фотографии происходят из личных коллекций двух «отцов-основателей» Муромского музея — краеведа Николая Гавриловича Добрынкина и городского головы Ивана Петровича Мяздрикова. В фондах музея сохранилось более ста видов города Мурома их авторства конца XIX — начала ХХ века.